Monday, March 23, 2009

Team Indy / Extreme MakeOver ~ Home Edition

Here’s some cool news we want to let you know regarding a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for NAF’s Indianapolis AmeriCorps team.

Extreme Makeover – Home Edition will be honoring a family of heroes in Indianapolis as part of ABC’s 2 – Hour Season Finale by doing an “extreme makeover” of their home. All six of us decided this would be a great service opportunity as well as a chance to work with hundreds of other volunteers who have a common goal...... and so we applied……and were selected to be on the team! We will be working the third shift (10pm to 6am) on Thursday night, April 2nd, which will be the last shift before the family is brought back to take possession of their new home.

We’ll learn who the family is and where the worksite is, this Friday, March 27th, when the knock on the door of the family’s home is made by Ty Pennington (whom I shall stalk from a distance)! We’re certainly excited about being a part of this and hope to somehow work AmeriCorps into conversations with the Production Crew in an attempt to get recognition for the Program. Stay tuned!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Isiah the Prophet's Poem "HIV"

This is from one of our recent team days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello fellow Americorps(ians) I hope that every one's service year has been what they expected, and if not you made it futher than some, so congradulations on completing over 50% of your service year. I happen to be very proud of myself and my team (DETROIT). This coming week is WOMEN & GIRLS HIV AWARENESS DAY! and since women are the highest growing rate of HIV cases let's get things done.